Gaming News: Hidetaka Miyazaki’s Future Plans for His Franchises

Exploring the Reddit buzz around Hidetaka Miyazaki's desire for a new installment in one of his classic franchises.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Reddit post delves into Hidetaka Miyazaki’s desire to continue one of his oldest franchises post-Elden Ring. Will he make a comeback? Let’s find out!


  • Players speculate on which franchise Miyazaki is hinting at
  • Concerns raised about PVP mechanics in Armored Core
  • Hopes for new entries in King’s Field or Armored Core


Users debate potential new installments in King’s Field or Armored Core

PVP Frustrations

Players express disappointment with the stagger system in Armored Core’s PVP

New Horizons

Enthusiasts discuss the possibilities and improvements in future franchise entries