Gaming News: Hidden Gems – Games from the Past

Discover forgotten treasures as Reddit users share their favorite obscure video games from the past!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of gaming news, Reddit users are uncovering hidden gems from the past – games that hold a special place in their hearts but are often overlooked by the mainstream. From lesser-known titles


  • Uncovering forgotten classics that hold nostalgic memories.
  • Sharing personal stories of obscure game experiences.
  • Rediscovering hidden gems that shaped gaming preferences.

Gladius: A Gladiator Adventure

Dalolfish reminisces about the turn-based gladiator game, Gladius, highlighting its humor and diverse roster of allies.

Boogerman: The Pick and Flick Adventure

Standard_Cell_8816 delves into the quirky world of Boogerman, a unique and humorous gaming experience.

Memories of Metal Warriors

Digreth shares insights into the SNES classic, Metal Warriors, a game blending mech combat with side-scrolling action.

Rygar: A Hidden Gem

Spy_Raider reflects on the nostalgic allure of Rygar, an arcade classic that left a lasting impression.

Exploring the past reveals a rich tapestry of games that have touched the lives of gamers around the world. From whimsical platformers to intense RPGs, these hidden gems showcase the diversity and creativity of the gaming industry.