Gaming News: Have You Ever Hated a Game Which You’ve Later Ended Up Enjoying?

Discover how gamers' initial hate turned into love for games they once despised. Dive into their transformative journeys with these titles.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever picked up a game, only to quickly put it down with a frown, but then later found yourself giddy like a clown?


  • BioShock 2 and Dark Souls: Initial disinterest turned into love upon revisits.
  • Hollow Knight: Lack of direction led to disinterest but became a comfort game after perseverance.
  • Baldur’s Gate 3: A D&D novice’s rocky start turned into a love affair with the game.
  • Goldeneye: Hated the FPS view at first but later got hooked.

BioShock 2 – From Disdain to Devotion

Gr8Vngnz shared how a replay of BioShock 2 revealed a completely different experience, attributing it to varying expectation levels.

Hollow Knight – Finding Comfort In Challenge

Laxativus struggled with Hollow Knight due to the lack of direction but found comfort in overcoming challenges, turning the game into a familiar joy.

Baldur’s Gate 3 – Overcoming Dicey Beginnings

ThatHotAsian’s initial aversion to the D&D gameplay in Baldur’s Gate 3 transformed into a deep appreciation with a friend’s guidance.

Goldeneye – From Hesitation to Adulation

simionix’s initial distaste for Goldeneye’s visuals and gameplay evolved into an obsession, leading to intense multiplayer sessions and anticipation for Perfect Dark.