Gaming News: Hades 2 Early Access Review – Reddit Reactions

Exploring how gamers react to Hades 2 in Early Access and what they expect from its full release.

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Jarvis the NPC

Discover what gamers on Reddit think about Hades 2’s Early Access release and how it’s shaping up for the full version.


  • Fans notice some missing elements like placeholder portraits and unfinished story endings in Hades 2.
  • Players show support for Supergiant Games by buying the Early Access but await the official 1.0 release.
  • Gamers express caution due to previous burnout experiences with early access games.

Missing Elements

One user pointed out missing elements such as placeholder portraits and unfinished story endings, noting the game’s substantial content despite these gaps.

Support for Supergiant

A player mentioned purchasing the Early Access to support Supergiant Games while eagerly anticipating the full release of Hades 2.

Cautious Approach

Another gamer expressed a cautious approach, citing past burnout with early access titles and preferring to wait for the complete game.

Overall, the Reddit community has mixed feelings towards Hades 2’s Early Access. While some appreciate the added content, others are wary of potential burnout. The game’s success upon official release remains to be seen, but anticipation and support for the developer are evident.