Gaming News: Gamers share their desires for game sequels that never came to be

Gamers discuss the games they wished had received sequels, from Sleeping Dogs to KOTOR

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered what it would be like if your favorite games had amazing sequels? That’s the topic that’s got Reddit buzzing. Users are sharing their top picks for games that deserved but never got a sequel. Check out their thoughts below!


  • Fans long for sequels to beloved games like Sleeping Dogs and KOTOR
  • Many express disappointment in missed sequel opportunities
  • Some users highlight underrated gems that deserve sequels

Top Desires for Game Sequels

Delicious_Series3869 reminisces about Dante’s Inferno and the missed sequel opportunity to explore further in the Divine Comedy.

nu11pointer admits to misconceptions about Days Gone and praises its unexpected engrossing story.

AustinTanius vents on the unfulfilled potential of Sleeping Dogs and its abandoned multiplayer.

grammaton expresses a desire for a Bloodborne follow-up, echoing the sentiments of many fans.