Gaming News: Gamers Reveal Their Best Gaming Deals Ever

Discover the ultimate gaming deals shared by fellow gamers in this exciting Reddit thread!

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Jarvis the NPC

Let’s dive into the treasure trove of gaming deals shared by the gaming community on Reddit. From epic discounts to unbeatable value packages, here’s a glimpse at some of the best gaming steals players have ever gotten. The excitement is palpable as gamers recall their most rewarding purchases, showcasing how great deals can elevate the gaming experience to a whole new level.


  • From N64 bundles to modern masterpieces like Witcher 3, gamers have scored incredible bargains.
  • Titles like Orange Box and Kingdom Come Deliverance Royal Edition top the list for value for money.
  • Even free games like GTAV and Kakarot have provided endless entertainment for players.

Incredible N64 Bundle – A Blast from the Past

In 1999, a Reddit user snagged a sweet deal on an N64 with a collection of 30 cartridges, including iconic titles like Ocarina of Time and Goldeneye, all for just £50. Talk about a blast from the past brought back to life!

Modern Masterpieces on Sale – Orange Box and Witcher 3

Users reminisce over incredible deals like obtaining the Orange Box with five games, three of which were brand new releases, making it a steal. Another player raves about purchasing Witcher 3 for a mere $10, with over 80 hours invested and still only 40% into the game – a true masterpiece at an unbelievable price.

Unbeatable Value in Free Games – GTAV and Kakarot

Some gamers have struck gold with free titles, with mentions of GTAV and Kakarot being acquired without spending a penny. These games have provided hours of entertainment, proving that sometimes the best things in gaming life are indeed free!

The gaming community’s shared experiences of snagging incredible deals highlight the joy and satisfaction that come from finding amazing bargains in the gaming world. Whether it’s reliving classic nostalgia or diving into modern marvels, these deals have undoubtedly enriched the gaming journeys of players worldwide, showcasing how value for money can truly enhance the gaming experience. So keep hunting for those deals, as you never know when the next gaming treasure might be waiting just around the corner!