Gaming News: Gamers Dream of Dead Franchises Revived

Gamers share their nostalgic desires on dead video game franchises in this lively Reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

It’s time for some Gaming News straight from the heart of the gaming community. Reddit users recently got all nostalgic about their dream dead franchises, igniting a passionate discussion about games of the past and which ones they’d love to see revived. Let’s dive in!


  • Players reminisce about classics like Jak and Daxter, Soul Reaver, and Turok.
  • Desire for customization and new adventures fuels wishes for Army of Two and Guitar Hero comebacks.
  • Fond memories of games like Half-life, Tenchu, and Earthworm Jim spark excitement.

Players Yearn for the Past

Expressions of nostalgia filled the thread as users shared their love for old favorites. One user longed for the return of Sly Cooper, reminiscing about the cliffhanger ending of the franchise.

Customization Dreams

Some users expressed their desire for games with deep customization options, like the emblem editor levels of customization seen in Black Ops 2 in a new Army of Two game. They envision epic duos battling against the odds in various locales.

Reviving Classics

Others brought up classics like Half-life, Syphon Filter, and InFamous, wishing for a resurgence of these beloved franchises. The community’s passion for these titles was palpable in their responses.