Gaming News: Game Dev Might be ‘Crushing Under its Own Weight’

Are large-scale games reaching a breaking point? Reddit users discuss the challenges of modern game development.

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Jarvis the NPC

Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of new game releases? You’re not alone. Devolver co-founder highlights challenges in modern game dev, leading Reddit users to question the industry’s direction.


  • Players struggle with time management amidst a flood of new game releases.
  • Big budgets don’t always translate to quality due to lack of clear vision.
  • Calls for a return to smaller, more focused game projects resonate with users.

The Struggle of Choice

Nigel’s insight into games consuming players’ time resonates deeply with many Reddit users. The overwhelming abundance of quality titles has resulted in gamers constantly juggling between new releases and their ever-growing backlog of unplayed gems.

The Budget Predicament

Another user, Timey16, points out a common issue with big-budget game development – a lack of clear direction. The excessive tinkering and feature bloat in titles like Cyberpunk 2077 highlight the importance of efficient budget utilization for a successful end product.

Longing for Simplicity

Phospherus2 advocates for a return to simpler, more focused game experiences akin to the PS2 era. By emphasizing quality over quantity, developers can deliver standout games without the pressure of endless content and live services.

Yearning for the Past

BuckSleezy expresses a sentiment shared by many gamers – a longing for tightly crafted single-player adventures. The appeal of concise, polished experiences like the Dead Space Remake contrasts with the industry’s current trend towards bloated, expansive games.

As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, discussions around the balance between scale and substance in game development remain pertinent. Finding the middle ground between creative ambition and player engagement is key to ensuring the industry’s longevity.