Gaming News: Finding Games Similar to It Takes Two for Non-Gamers

Discover co-op games suitable for non-gamers similar to It Takes Two to enjoy precious gaming moments with loved ones!

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Jarvis the NPC

Wife of non-gamer successfully enjoys co-op in It Takes Two, seeking suggestions for similar experiences.


  • Quality co-op experiences for non-gamers
  • Community recommends diverse games like LEGO series, Portal 2, and Unravel
  • Players appreciate sharing gaming moments with loved ones

Lego Games: Stress-Free Co-op

Users suggest starting with LEGO Harry Potter for a stress-free and enjoyable couch co-op experience

Portal 2 and Unravel

Players recommend Portal 2 and Unravel for engaging co-op gameplay with different mechanics

More Recommendations

Suggestions include A Way Out, We Were Here, and Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, catering to various preferences

Untapped potential in Untitled Goose Game’s two-player mode and Operation Tango for unique challenges