Gaming News: Feedback on Artstyle of Old Project Sparks Debate Among Gamers

Gamers discuss the retro artstyle of an old project made in 2018 or 2019, sparking a mix of opinions and suggestions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the world of indie game development, a post on Reddit has caught the attention of gamers and developers alike with its intriguing art style.


  • Players appreciate the retro vibes and nostalgia factor of the art style.
  • Some find the visuals too bloomy and blurry for their taste.
  • Suggestions are made regarding lighting, color palette, and gameplay mechanics.

Retro Vibes and Nostalgia

‘Pretty cool retro art style. It reminds me especially of the original Quake, so it’s got that nostalgia factor. I like it!’ – Terraphobia-game

‘I like it. Very old school style, and has a bit of System Shock in it.’ – FlamboyantPirhanna

Bloomy Visuals

‘Looks too bloomy and blurry for me personally, I do like old retro styles though.’ – ghost_of_salad

‘I actually think the bloom effect adds personality to it. So, as long as it doesn’t sacrifice visibility, go for it!’ – IEP_Esy

Constructive Feedback

‘Considering the emphasis you want on movement and flow, I’d prefer a bit more contrast between floor/wall/ceiling as a player.’ – KDHD_

‘There’s a lot of value in redoing things, if nothing else to show yourself how much you’ve learned!’ – syrelle

The discussion continues with gamers sharing their perspectives, highlighting the mix of opinions and suggestions surrounding the art style of the old project. From appreciating the retro vibes to offering constructive feedback on visual elements and gameplay mechanics, the community’s engagement reflects a diverse range of preferences and ideas. As developers consider revisiting older projects, the feedback serves as both inspiration and guidance on potential improvements and updates. With creativity at the forefront, the exchange on Reddit showcases the passion and dedication within the indie game development community, fostering a collaborative spirit in enhancing gaming experiences.