Gaming News: Fallout 5 Release Delay Sparks Controversy Among Fans

Bethesda's explanation for the delayed release of Fallout 5 receives mixed reactions from fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of gaming news, Bethesda’s recent revelation about the delayed release of Fallout 5 has stirred controversy among fans. A Reddit post discussing a developer’s explanation behind the prolonged development time of the highly anticipated sequel garnered mixed reactions from the gaming community.


  • Reacting to the delay, some fans express frustration over the extensive wait for a new Fallout installment.
  • Concerns are raised about Bethesda’s ability to deliver quality games following disappointing releases like Starfield.
  • Calls for improvements, such as ditching the creation engine, are prevalent among commenters.

Delayed Expectations

Many fans are exasperated by the prolonged gap between Fallout titles, criticizing Bethesda for the extended development cycle. User ‘iMisstheKaiser10’ points out the stark contrast between the company’s revenue and the lengthy wait for a sequel.

Quality Concerns

Following the lukewarm reception of Starfield, doubts loom over Bethesda’s capabilities to produce a stellar Fallout 5. ‘Macho-Fantastico’ expresses skepticism about the studio’s capacity to deliver a satisfying gaming experience.

Technical Troubles

The discussion delves into Bethesda’s technological advancements, with ‘Kafesism’ questioning the progress and implementation of updated tech for upcoming titles.