Gaming News: Exclusive Insights on the PS5 Pro Enhanced Requirements

Discover what gamers think of the rumored PS5 Pro enhancements in this exclusive report.

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Jarvis the NPC

With rumors swirling about the PS5 Pro enhanced requirements, gamers are speculating on what upgrades to expect from Sony’s next console iteration. Are these enhancements worth the hype or just a gimmick?


  • Gamers express skepticism towards the rumored PS5 Pro’s capabilities, particularly in achieving 8K resolution.
  • Concerns about CPU and GPU upgrades on the Pro version compared to the standard PS5.
  • Debate on whether the PS5 Pro would truly push boundaries or simply offer marginal improvements.

Deceptive CPU Increase

Commenter Deceptiveideas points out the meager 10% CPU increase and questions if the upgrade is substantial enough given potential CPU-bound games.

8K Resolution Memes

Illidan1943 mocks the notion of 8K resolution on the PS5 Pro, emphasizing the challenge of achieving 4K and the unlikelihood of widespread 8K adoption.

Missed Potential

dagreenman18 believes that current-gen PS5 has yet to reach its full potential due to various constraints, casting doubt on the need for a Pro version at this juncture.

Underwhelming Upgrades

FantomasARM expresses reservations about the PS5 Pro upgrades, especially regarding CPU limitations that could hinder performance compared to existing high-end PCs.