Gaming News: Do You Really Need a Good Game or Just Good Marketing?

Is creating a great game enough? Reddit users debate the importance of marketing your game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered if making a killer game is all it takes to succeed in the gaming industry?


  • Marketing is essential for indie game success.
  • Steam visibility plays a crucial role in game reach.
  • Humor can attract attention to your game.
  • Community engagement is key to building interest.

Marketing Matters

While having a great game is important, many users stress the significance of marketing in ensuring its success. User outbluegames humorously emphasizes that without marketing, no one will know about your game.

Steam Visibility

User OrriSig shows the importance of getting a game on Steam to reach a broader audience, indicating that platform choice can significantly impact game visibility.

The Power of Humor

Terraphobia-game uses humor to engage users, demonstrating that a playful approach can attract attention to your game.

Community Engagement

User mono8321 highlights the importance of community engagement by inquiring about a Steam page, indicating that involving and interacting with the gaming community is crucial for generating interest in your game.

Marketing seems to be a hot topic among indie developers, with some emphasizing its necessity for game success while others lamenting the challenges it presents. Finding a balance between creating a great game and effectively marketing it is key to achieving success in the competitive gaming market.