Gaming News: Dev Faces Criticism for Not Hiring More People

Should a game developer hire more people to speed up updates? Reddit gamers debate the issue.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A recent post on Reddit sparked a heated debate about whether the Manor Lords developer should hire more people to update the game faster.


  • Gamers suggest hiring more staff, but industry insiders warn against impractical solutions.

Theory Vs. Reality

One commenter compared the chaos of hiring 50 new staff to their own workplace experience, noting the detrimental impact on productivity.

Community Solutions

A former game developer mocked the oversimplified solutions proposed by gamers, highlighting the complexities of game development.

Learn from History

References to ‘The Mythical Man-month’ emphasized the age-old lesson of adding manpower not necessarily speeding up progress.

The Solo Developer

Insights into the development background shed light on why adding more team members might not be feasible or beneficial in this scenario.