Gaming News: Charcoal Masterpiece Stuns Reddit Gamers!

This Last of Us charcoal drawing has Reddit users in awe. Find out what they're saying!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ecstatic Reddit gamers are blown away by a stunning Last of Us charcoal drawing that took over 300 hours to create! The artwork, shared by user NabeelaTheArtist, has sparked a frenzy of admiration and disbelief in the gaming community.


  • Reddit users are astounded by the realism and detail in the charcoal drawing.
  • The inclusion of iconic elements like the giraffe from the game has garnered praise.
  • Many users are in awe of the meticulous handwork evident in the artwork.

Impressive Realism

The hand-drawn details on the artwork have left Reddit users in disbelief, with one user jokingly mentioning checking every hand to confirm their realism.

Giraffe Frenzy

The addition of the giraffe, a beloved symbol from The Last of Us, has resonated with fans, invoking a sense of nostalgia and appreciation for the artist’s attention to detail.

Meticulous Handiwork

Several comments highlight the incredible skill and dedication required to create such a masterpiece, emphasizing the artist’s talent and patience in the meticulous charcoal work.