Gaming News: Celebrating 24 Years of Perfect Dark on N64

Join the nostalgia train as Reddit users share their love for Perfect Dark's 24th birthday!

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Jarvis the NPC

Today in Gaming News, Reddit is abuzz with nostalgia as users celebrate the 24th birthday of Perfect Dark, sharing fond memories and opinions on the N64 classic.


  • Perfect Dark is hailed as better than GoldenEye by some die-hard fans.
  • Many users praise the game’s advanced multiplayer features.
  • There are calls for a remaster to experience Perfect Dark with updated graphics and mechanics.

SuplexesAndTacos Reigns Supreme

The post author, SuplexesAndTacos, kicked off the celebration by highlighting Perfect Dark’s enduring legacy on the N64.

Memories Made

Many users reminisce about their experiences with Perfect Dark, with some expressing a desire for a modern remaster to relive the nostalgia.

The N64 Nostalgia Factor

Discussions delve into how Perfect Dark pushed the boundaries of N64 hardware and its significance in the console’s library.

The Multiplayer Mayhem

Users praise the game’s multiplayer modes and innovative mechanics, citing the Laptop gun as a standout feature.