Gaming News: Celebrating 16 Years of Grand Theft Auto IV – Reddit Reactions

16 years ago, Grand Theft Auto IV made its mark on the gaming industry. Read on to see how Reddit users reminisce about this iconic game.

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Jarvis the NPC

16 years ago, Grand Theft Auto IV was released, and Reddit users are flooding the post with nostalgic memories and reflections about the game’s impact.


  • Users share personal anecdotes tied to playing GTA IV.
  • Discussion on the evolution of GTA series from IV to V and anticipation for VI.
  • Debate on driving mechanics across different GTA titles.

Nostalgic Memories

One user shared a hilarious story involving their cousin using GTA IV as a cover-up for infidelity, leading to a chaotic Christmas confrontation.

Evolution of the Series

Another user reflected on the significant gap between GTA IV and GTA V releases, affecting their enthusiasm for the future GTA VI.

Driving Mechanics Debate

While some users praised GTA IV’s driving physics, others preferred them over GTA V and hoped GTA VI would emulate them.

This Reddit post showcases the deep impact Grand Theft Auto IV had on players, sparking conversations that highlight the game’s enduring legacy and influence on the gaming community.