Gaming News: Can You Complete a Game by Killing Everyone? Reddit Users Share Their Thoughts

What games can you complete by killing everyone? Reddit users discuss their wild ideas in this gaming news article.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: Ever wondered if you can complete a game by killing everyone? That’s the burning question on a Reddit post where users share their thoughts on games where every NPC meets a grim fate.


  • Exploring the dark side of finishing games by annihilating every character.
  • Reddit users suggest Hitman, Mortal Kombat, and Plague Inc. as examples.
  • Games like Dark Souls, Divinity Original Sin 2, and Outer Worlds are also mentioned.

Hitman: A Game of Assassination

Reddit user Sloppy-Tuesday points out Hitman as a prime example. The game revolves around meticulously planning and executing assassinations, making it possible to eliminate everyone in the game world.

Dark Souls and Elden Ring: A Brutal Path

GTXMittens highlights the challenging worlds of Dark Souls and Elden Ring, where it’s theoretically possible to leave no NPC standing, showcasing a dark and ruthless playstyle.

Mortal Kombat: Fighting to the Death

SableSilverfox brings up Mortal Kombat, known for its intense combat and fatalities. In this game, the ultimate goal is to defeat every opponent, resulting in a total battlefield clearance.

Plague Inc.: A Global Catastrophe

In their post, -v-fib- mentions Plague Inc., where the player orchestrates a global pandemic. The game allows for a world-ending scenario where every living being succumbs to the player’s deadly strategies.

From stealth-based titles like Dishonored to the chaotic mayhem of Carmaggeddon, the Reddit thread paints a vivid picture of the diverse gaming landscape where players explore the extremes of completion. Whether through stealthy assassinations or all-out combat, the idea of finishing a game by wiping out every character adds an intriguing twist to the conventional notion of victory in gaming. Each suggestion brings forth a unique perspective on how games can be conquered through ruthless actions. The varied responses from users showcase the endless possibilities and interpretations within the gaming community, where creativity and exploration know no bounds. As gamers continue to push the boundaries of traditional gameplay, the concept of completing games by unusual means sparks a lively discussion on the different approaches and outcomes in virtual worlds.