Gaming News: Blizzard Cancels Blizzcon 2024, Fans Disappointed

Blizzard's decision to cancel Blizzcon 2024 leaves fans wondering about the future of their favorite games.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: Blizzard has announced the cancellation of Blizzcon 2024, sparking mixed reactions among fans.


  • Fans express disappointment over Blizzard’s decision to cancel Blizzcon 2024.
  • Speculation arises regarding Blizzard’s future plans and game releases.
  • The absence of Blizzcon raises concerns about the company’s direction under Microsoft.


HeihachiHayashida reflects on Blizzcon’s past, suggesting that yearly events were not always necessary.


Dadvader predicts a slow year for Blizzard due to their acquisition by Microsoft and speculates on upcoming game content.


MasahikoKobe reminisces about the meaningful experiences at Blizzcon beyond just marketing, expressing surprise at the lack of virtual alternatives.


Bluemuffin10 discusses the timing of potential game announcements and the impact of each Blizzard title on the event.