Gaming News: Best Tactical Turn-Based Games Reddit Roundup

Check out what the Reddit community has to say about the best tactical turn-based games!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The Reddit community discusses the best tactical turn-based games and their recommendations.


  • X-COM and its sequel are highly recommended by users
  • Wasteland 2 and 3 are suggested for Fallout Tactics fans
  • Other mentions include Battle Brothers, Warhammer 40K, and Final Fantasy Tactics

Users’ Top Picks

Some users praise X-COM and its sequel, while others recommend Wasteland 2 and 3 for Fallout Tactics fans. The list expands to include Battle Brothers, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate. These suggestions cater to different preferences in tactical turn-based gameplay, offering a variety of gameplay experiences to suit individual tastes.

Hiddem Gems

One user highlights Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children and Battle Brothers as fantastic picks worth exploring. These lesser-known titles provide unique gameplay mechanics and engaging narratives, adding depth to the tactical turn-based genre.

Community Recommendations

From Valkyria Chronicles to Jagged Alliance 2, the community shares a diverse range of titles to consider. Whether it’s classic favorites or modern releases, each recommendation brings something special to the table, showcasing the richness of the tactical turn-based gaming landscape.