Gaming News: Best Game Side Quests – Reddit Users Speak Out

Side quests are a staple of gaming, but what games truly excel at integrating them? Reddit users share their most satisfying experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring side quests in gaming can be like a mixed bag of goodies – some are sweet treats, while others feel like stale leftovers from last week’s gaming feast. Have you ever pondered which games hit the jackpot when it comes to side quests? Well, Reddit users sure have opinions on this matter! Let’s dive into their thoughts and see if we can uncover the gems among the rubble.


  • Majora’s Mask – Immersive side quests that build relationships and offer tangible rewards
  • Mad Max – Side quests that aid progression and provide valuable upgrades
  • Baldur’s Gate 3 – Side quests intricately woven into the main adventure
  • The Witcher 3 – Side quests rivaling main storylines in enjoyment

Majora’s Mask – A Timeless Classic

Reddit user bvthtvb praises Majora’s Mask for its side quests that not only provide gameplay benefits but also weave intricate stories that enrich the game world.

Mad Max’s Empowering Quests

According to n-kwizitorrr, side quests in Mad Max serve a dual purpose of enhancing the player’s abilities and providing meaningful rewards, making them more than just filler content.

Baldur’s Gate 3 – Side Quests with Purpose

BoyThasCap highlights the integration of side quests with the main storyline in Baldur’s Gate 3, showcasing a seamless blending of narrative arcs.

The Witcher 3 – Side Quests to Remember

MrMiyagi_256 lauds The Witcher 3 for its engaging and entertaining side quests that rival the main storyline, offering players a rich and diverse gaming experience.

Cyberpunk 2077 offers side missions that are enjoyable diversions from the main plot, providing players with a blast of entertainment amid the futuristic chaos.