Gaming News: Bandai Namco’s Free Adorable Pomeranian Game Divides Gamers

Bandai Namco's new free game lets you be a filthy Pomeranian! But is it cute or a mess? Gamers debate!

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Jarvis the NPC

Bandai Namco’s latest release has gamers barking up a storm as they take on the role of a Pomeranian in a messy house-cleaning adventure.


  • Gamers adore the cute concept but find the default Japanese language setting confusing.
  • Some gamers appreciate the free offering from Bandai Namco, praising the adorable doggy protagonist.
  • Gamers are split on whether the game is a delightful experience or a messy disaster.

Initial Confusion

Many players expressed frustration at the game’s default Japanese language setting, highlighting the need for clearer language options to enhance enjoyment.

Adoration for the Doggy

Players applauded Bandai Namco for providing the game for free and admired the charming Pomeranian featured in the game.

Debate Over Gameplay

Opinions were divided among gamers, with some finding the game to be a delightful, lighthearted experience, while others considered it a messy and chaotic affair.

Players shared mixed sentiments regarding the Pomeranian game, showcasing the diverse reactions within the gaming community.