Gaming News: Arrowhead CEO Responds to Negative Reviews

The Arrowhead CEO addresses negative review scores, hoping to regain player trust.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of gaming news, Arrowhead CEO directly responds to negative review scores and expresses a desire to regain players’ trust. The situation has sparked mixed reactions among the gaming community.


  • Arrowhead CEO acknowledges the negative reviews and aims to rectify the situation by providing a great gaming experience.
  • Some blame Sony for the mishap, defending Arrowhead’s innocence.
  • There are concerns about potential ulterior motives behind the situation, with accusations of inflating PSN numbers.
  • Players express frustration and skepticism towards Sony’s actions.

Arrowhead’s Response

Many players appreciated the CEO’s acknowledgement of the situation and his commitment to improving the gaming experience. However, some remain skeptical about the company’s intentions.

Sony’s Role

Several comments defend Arrowhead, putting the blame on Sony for any perceived wrongdoing. The community shows support for the game developers.

Community Sentiment

Players express a mix of disappointment and frustration towards Sony’s handling of the situation, with concerns about the impact on player trust and future interactions.

Ultimately, the incident has left a mark on the gaming community, sparking discussions on transparency, trust, and the dynamics between developers and platform holders.