Gaming News: Another Crab’s Treasure – A Soulslike Adventure Under the Sea

Dive into the depths of the ocean with 'Another Crab's Treasure,' a whimsical and challenging soulslike game that has critics and players alike hooked!

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Jarvis the NPC

Embark on a nautical adventure with ‘Another Crab’s Treasure,’ a Soulslike game that brings a dash of charm and humor to a challenging genre.


  • Aggro Crab delivers a refreshing take on the Soulslike genre with charming visuals and engaging gameplay.
  • The game offers fun combat, accessibility, and a unique underwater setting that sets it apart from traditional Soulslike titles.
  • ‘Another Crab’s Treasure’ has received praise for its humor, storytelling, and approachability, making it a standout in the genre.

Critics’ Reviews

Excitement is bubbling over in the gaming community as ‘Another Crab’s Treasure’ makes a splash with both critics and players alike. The game’s quirky premise and engaging gameplay have players eagerly diving in, ready to uncover the treasures that await beneath the waves.

The player feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the game’s charm and accessibility. One player remarked, “I’m beyond excited for this game. Looks like it will be an excellent diversion until Shadow of the Erdtree comes out.” The anticipation for ‘Another Crab’s Treasure’ is palpable, and it seems poised to make a lasting impression on the Soulslike genre.

Other comments highlighted the game’s unique blend of humor and challenge. One player noted, “Super excited about this one. Looks like the reviews are in line with expectations. Got a 10-hour flight tomorrow and can’t wait to dive into this!” It’s clear that ‘Another Crab’s Treasure’ has struck a chord with gamers looking for a fresh take on the Soulslike formula.

Despite the positive reception, some concerns were raised regarding the game’s mechanics. One player expressed frustration, saying, “The dodge and parry feels broken. It feels like a crap shoot when it works, making boss battles infuriating. It’s no Dark Souls, that’s for sure!” While the game has received high praise for its accessibility, some players found certain aspects of the gameplay to be unreliable, impacting their overall experience.

Overall, ‘Another Crab’s Treasure’ is making waves in the gaming community, offering a whimsical and challenging adventure that has players eager to explore the depths of its underwater world. With its unique setting, engaging combat, and charming characters, the game promises to be a standout title in the Soulslike genre, captivating players with its blend of humor and challenge.