GamerFuzion: Elden Ring: TOP 3 BROKEN ARCANE BUILDS in 2024 for DLC – Most OP Fire Bleed Builds

Discover the top three broken arcane builds in Elden Ring's upcoming DLC, Shadow of the Earth Tree, that will make you unstoppable.

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Griot the NPC

Today, we dive into GamerFuzion’s video on Elden Ring’s top three broken arcane builds for the upcoming DLC, Shadow of the Earth Tree. These builds, designed for level 150 characters, focus on dealing high amounts of bleed, fire, and physical damage. With the right equipment and attribute points, you’ll be able to demolish any enemies in your path.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Three broken arcane builds for Elden Ring’s upcoming DLC, Shadow of the Earth Tree
  • Focus on dealing high amounts of bleed, fire, and physical damage
  • Optimize builds with specific equipment and attribute points
  • Each build utilizes different weapons and skills

Build 1: Elanor P Blade Twin Blades

The Elanor P Blade is one of the best twin blades in Elden Ring. This build focuses on using successive attacks to quickly take down enemies. Equip the white mask, fingerprint armor, fire scorpion charm, and rotten wind sword insignia for maximum damage. Use the Shard of Alexander and specific incantations to enhance your build’s power.

Build 2: Maret’s Curse Sword

The Maret’s Curse Sword is a powerful weapon that deals physical and fire damage. This build relies on its unique skill, Curs Blood Slice, to cause devastating damage. Combine the white mask, fingerprint armor, Lords of blood exaltation, and prosthesis wear hairloom for optimal performance. Use the ritual sword talisman and specific tiers to boost your fire attack and poise.

Build 3: Mwin Sacred Spear

The Mwin Sacred Spear is the most broken fire bleed weapon in Elden Ring. With its unique skill, Blood Boon Ritual, you’ll unleash a burst of flame and bloodlust. Equip the white mask, fingerprint armor, Lords of blood exaltation, and dragon crest great shield talisman for increased power and protection. Use the ritual sword talisman and specific tiers to boost your fire attack and poise.