Fostering Friendships in Valorant: A Dive Into Player Interactions

Exploring the social dynamics within Valorant and how the players handle interactions outside of the match.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

A passionate Valorant gamer, known as C-lex1, recently found themselves deliberating a relatable gaming quandary: Is it odd to invite players you’ve only gamed with once to another session?


  • Despite their initial hesitation, C-lex1 had a positive gaming experience with these individuals and is considering extending a gaming invitation to them.
  • Others in the Valorant community share mixed feelings -some feel it’s perfectly normal while others maintain reservations, often due to negative prior experiences.
  • The overarching suggestion seems to lean towards reaching out, with the understanding that the worst-case scenario is simply being ignored.

The Gaming Community’s Thoughts

As C-lex1 candidly announced their predicament, they received a flurry of responses, evoking an array of perspectives. Commenter Correct-Age8529 mentioned that they found it tough to forge friendships within the Valorant community compared to other games. On the other hand, UndauntedAqua encouraged our apprehensive gamer, stating, ‘Relax, the real world with real people is less complicated than some people try to make it.’

Social Etiquette in Online Gaming

In a realm where most communications are conveyed through text or voice chat, it’s easy to misconstrue intentions or bring personal insecurities into the equation. Commenter Fluid_Utility touched on this, implying a level of toxicity within the community that keeps them to only playing with pre-established friends. Debunking these insecurities, Dankie_Spankie championed the practice of extending an invite to anyone with who they feel they ‘click.’

Some players like Coatt prefer stacking the deck with proven team players, noting the value of ‘having a guaranteed normal person on your team.’

Proof That Friendships Can Happen in Valorant

Our resident worrier, C-lex1, can take comfort in the heartwarming anecdote shared by Pmaisinmydna, who fondly recalled meeting their ‘literal best friend’ through a random Valorant match.

So, is it weird to extend an invite to fellow players after one gaming session? Nah, it’s just part of the game! Remember, everyone’s there to have a good time. So, don’t be shy, C-lex1, press that invite button!