Fortnite’s Thrilling Ride: Sublime Builds that are Electrifying the Game!

Discover how Fortnite's 'ride the lightning' event stirred up the gaming community with its fascinating construction feats.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the midst of Fortnite’s enthusiastic gaming community, a new trend is catching the eye. It’s all about sophisticated and creative construction designs in the event ‘ride the lightning’. The topic became the focus of an engaging conversation among players, sparking both constructive criticisms and commendations.


  • The build efficiency in ‘Ride the lightning’ stirred a discussion about more tutorials in Fortnite.
  • Many players opine on the irrelevance of elaborate builds in missions below 160.
  • Despite its practicality, the aesthetic appeal of the builds was appreciated by many.

Need for Extra Tutorials?

The newfound building trend in ‘ride the lightning’ instigated some players to demand additional tutorials. Kuyet312 wonders, ‘Does this solidify the fact that STW needs to add extra tutorials? Or would that be a bit hard?’

A Question of Practicality vs. Playability

Another simmering discussion centered around the actual need for such extensive builds. The opinion might seem controversial, especially when playing less intense missions, as Artikzzz asserts: ‘Still have no idea why people care so much about builds in anything under 160…’

The Aesthetic Appeal that Cannot be Ignored

While focusing too much on the practicality might deem the extensive builds irrelevant, one can’t simply overlook the aesthetic charm they add to the game. As put by PsychologicalTree885, ‘I think it looks pretty’.

The robust discussion underlines the passion gamers carry for Fortnite. While debates about tutorials and practicality of structures continue, one fact remains universally accepted; the aesthetic delight of witnessing these architectural marvels is undeniable. Keeping in line with Fortnite’s ever-evolving spirit, the community deeply values insights, creativity, and fun, contributing to the continued success and allure of this widely loved game.