Fortnite: Why is the Pump Still in the Game? Players Sound Off

Fortnite players debate the relevance of the Pump shotgun - is it a must-have or a weapon of the past?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are questioning the Pump shotgun’s place in the game – is it still a top-tier weapon or time to move on? Let’s dive into the Reddit discussions and find out why opinions are split!


  • Players debate the Pump’s effectiveness in various scenarios.
  • Some prefer the Pump for its high damage potential, while others find it slow and outdated.
  • The Pump’s role in build fights and quick burst damage divides opinions.
  • Skilled players leverage the Pump’s strengths for devastating results.

Positive Viewpoints

“The Pump is still good if you are skilled in edit plays and have precise aim.”

“In the hands of a skilled player, the Pump can be devastating with well-timed headshots and strategic plays.”

Negative Viewpoints

“I could passionately kiss someone’s head with that shotgun and it’d still deal 20 damage. I hate it so much.”

“The slow fire rate of the Pump makes it trash in my opinion. Hits hard but takes too long between shots.”

Players’ Preferences

“I’ve dropped a purple pump for a green pistol without hesitation. It’s not worth it for me.”

“Unreal build player here. The pump is really good if you have good aim and know how to use it effectively.”

Fortnite players are entrenched in their opinions about the Pump’s place in the game, with some lauding its potential for high damage and others lamenting its slow fire rate and outdated mechanics. As the debate rages on, one thing is clear – the Pump shotgun continues to spark discussion and polarize the community, leaving players to decide if it’s a reliable choice in their loadouts or a relic of Fortnite’s past.