Fortnite: Why Artemis and Bows Should Make a Comeback in the Game

Check out the Reddit community's take on bringing back Artemis and bows in Fortnite. Should they make a return?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are discussing the potential return of the bow in the game, especially with regards to Artemis. Would it be a welcome addition to the current season?


  • Players feel bows are more fitting than a DMR and resonate better with the current season’s theme.
  • Many wish Artemis was integrated as a boss, given the forest setting in Fortnite.
  • There’s a general sense of longing for bows, with nostalgia for their previous presence in the game.
  • Some players see the potential of a bow replacing the sniper, creating new gameplay dynamics.

Bow Nostalgia

Many players expressed their fondness for bows, considering them a better fit compared to the current weapons available. The sentiment echoed a desire for a return to a more traditional and skill-based weapon choice.

Artemis Missed Opportunity

Some users mentioned that Artemis should have been introduced as a boss, given the thematic elements of the game world. The lack of Artemis as a prominent figure left some feeling as though an opportunity was missed in utilizing the character.

Yearning for Bows

There was a shared nostalgia among players regarding the absence of bows in recent gameplay. Many reminisced about the last time bows were featured in Fortnite, emphasizing a desire to see them return for a fresh experience.

New Gameplay Dynamics

Players discussed the possibility of bows replacing snipers in the game, leading to a shift in combat strategies and creating new dynamics for engagements. Some welcomed the idea of this change, seeing it as a refreshing way to approach battles.