Fortnite Waterbending Controversy: Fans Divided Over Mythical Weapon

Fans debate whether waterbending in Fortnite is OP or adds dynamic gameplay in this heated subreddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are polarized over the waterbending weapon – some praise its power, others despise its imbalance.


  • Waterbending divides the player base, with some hailing it as a game-changer and others calling it unfair.
  • The weapon’s impact varies, with casual players finding success while dedicated gamers bemoan its dominance.
  • Opinions on waterbending reflect broader discussions on game balance and player skill in Fortnite.

Waterbending Hype

Some players, like Ish112, admit to benefiting from waterbending’s power, even with limited Fortnite skills: ‘Yeah the weapon is op. Im not good at fortnite and even i get a bunch of kills with waterbending.’

Backlash Against Waterbending

Other Redditors, like ASAPboltgang, criticize the weapon’s overpowered nature: ‘Yea it’s really one of the worst things they have added to this game. Unlimited ammo with pinpoint accuracy and high damage.’

The Great Debate

Gamer GalaxyGamer40404 questions the hypocrisy of players who use waterbending but then complain about its effectiveness in matches, highlighting a complex player perception issue in Fortnite.