Fortnite: Unveiling the Fachade of the Fearsome Pro Players

In the high-octane world of Fortnite, what separates the pros from the rest and how to narrow this gap!

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Jarvis the NPC

Delving into the lively world of Fortnite, user ‘Nelman79’ asks an intriguing question that pops up in every new player’s mind, “What makes a good player?” His perception of being an absolute no-threat to certain adept players sparks a tantalising debate about game mechanics and strategies.


  • Aim for the head, says CageyMechanism. Inflicting more damage and using effective battle strategies separates the wheat from the chaff.

  • nemesit stipulates quick switching between weapons to finish opponents quickly.

  • Zig-zag, build, but don’t keep jumping about!, advices Old-Lavishness-9546. Control in movements is crucial for accurate aiming.

Mastering the Environment

Environment often becomes a game-deciding factor, as highlighted by users like CageyMechanism. Good players leverage the surroundings, be it walls, rocks or trees, to shield themselves while still maintaining offensive pressure.

Gotcha with the Gunplay

A common pattern emerges from the sea of words – good players master the gunplay. It’s not just about blasting away at anything that moves, but rather employing tactics such as switching quickly between different weapons after a shot to the head. More than a mindless shooter, this strategic element adds depth to the gameplay.

Confidence is King

To paraphrase paddytogger‘s philosophy, if you think you are beat before the fight even starts, you’re already dead. Confidence, strategy, experience, and masterful command over game mechanics play a pivotal role in distinguishing a good player from an average one.

The post wraps up with a sense of hope, an encouragement for ‘Nelman79’ and similarly positioned players. The gap might seem overwhelming at first, but it’s not unbridgeable. So gear up, let guns be your melody, and charge through the battlefield!