Fortnite: The Debate Over Rare Skins

In Fortnite, the debate over rare skins sparks heated discussions among players. Some cherish exclusivity, while others prefer inclusivity.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are divided over the return of rare skins. A recent Reddit post sparked a heated debate on whether certain skins should remain exclusive.


  • Players are split on the significance of rarity in Fortnite skins.
  • Some value exclusivity and want rare skins to remain limited.
  • Others advocate for inclusivity, believing everyone should have access to all skins.
  • The debate reflects broader discussions on ownership and identity within gaming communities.
  • Insights into the Debate

    Some players argue that rare skins hold sentimental value, representing their dedication or luck in acquiring them. Others view exclusive skins as elitist and exclusionary, preferring a more inclusive approach to cosmetic items in the game.

    The Gatekeeping Mentality

    Many comments on the Reddit post criticized the idea of gatekeeping in gaming, where players restrict access to certain items to maintain a sense of superiority. This behavior can create toxic dynamics within the community and alienate newer or casual players.

    Rarity vs. Accessibility

    The debate raises questions about the relationship between rarity and accessibility in gaming. While some argue that rare skins should be preserved as symbols of achievement, others advocate for equal opportunities for all players to enjoy cosmetic content.