Fortnite Subreddit Drama: Server Downtime Shenanigans

What happens when the Fortnite subreddit goes into restricted mode? Hilarity, complaints, and anticipation ensue!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players recently found themselves locked out of their favorite subreddit due to server maintenance, leading to a mix of emotions.


  • Players express frustration over Rust Lord’s recurring appearance in the Battle Pass.
  • Excitement builds for the new season despite server downtime.
  • Questions arise about the size of the latest update.
  • Speculation about popular skins and potential returns keeps the community engaged.
  • Server Downtime Drama

    While some players lamented not being able to bid a proper farewell to the previous season due to unforeseen internet issues, others focused on the impending excitement of the new season. Comments ranged from disappointed to hyped, showcasing the diverse emotional spectrum within the Fortnite community.

    Battle Pass Blues

    The recurring inclusion of Rust Lord in the Battle Pass drew criticism for its lack of innovation, with players branding it as lazy and unexciting. This sentiment sparked debates on skin choices and the need for fresh content to keep players engaged.

    Update Woes

    Players questioned the massive size of the latest update, expressing concerns over the download requirements and the impact on limited storage space. The community speculated on the contents of the update and its potential implications for gameplay.

    Excitement and Speculation

    The hype for the new season was palpable, with players eagerly anticipating new features, skins, and events. Speculation ran rampant, with players dissecting teasers and leaks to uncover hints about what the future holds for Fortnite.