Fortnite Subreddit Critiques LEGO Fortnite Experience – Is It Really Worth It?

Reddit users share mixed opinions on their experiences with LEGO Fortnite, questioning its value and gameplay mechanics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players discuss the drawbacks of LEGO Fortnite on the subreddit, highlighting issues with gameplay and value. Is the LEGO crossover worth it?


  • LEGO Fortnite experiences are critiqued for being limiting.
  • Players question the value of LEGO Fortnite compared to other sandbox games.
  • Some express disappointment with the lack of open-world gameplay in LEGO Fortnite.

LEGO Fortnite Limitations

Users like NewAnt3365 express how LEGO Fortnite makes them miss the freedom of games like Minecraft, feeling restricted by its brand association.

Value Comparison

BoerseunZA criticizes LEGO Fortnite for being tedious and less enjoyable than LEGO Worlds, questioning the investment in the crossover.

Lack of Open-World Experience

O37GEKKO shares disappointment at the lack of open-world gameplay in LEGO Fortnite, hoping for a more immersive experience akin to open-world survival games.