Fortnite Star Wars Skins Wishlist: What the Community Wants

The Fortnite community shares their dream Star Wars skins and characters. Will Epic Games deliver?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing with excitement over potential Star Wars skins for an upcoming event. Shmigbob kicked things off by expressing their dire need for Lando Calrissian. The community quickly chimed in with their own hopes and dreams for iconic characters from the Star Wars universe.


  • Players are eagerly anticipating the introduction of beloved Star Wars characters into Fortnite.
  • Some users are hoping for characters like General Grievous, Count Dooku, and Cad Bane to make an appearance.
  • There’s a mix of nostalgia for classic trilogy characters and excitement for newer additions like the Bad Batch.

General Grievous: A Fan Favorite

Many players expressed their desire for General Grievous to be included in the game, citing a longing for the iconic villain’s presence. BearZewp stated, ‘I’d lose it if we got a proper Grievous but mainly I just want those clankers.’ The sentiment is clear: fans crave the menacing presence of Grievous on the battlefield.

Nostalgia vs. New

Some users are torn between their love for classic characters like Lando Calrissian and their excitement for newer additions to the Star Wars universe. Thor_2099 encapsulated this conflict, ‘Donald Glover lando pleeeeeeeease. And mace windu.’ The battle between nostalgia and novelty rages on in the community.

Fan Requests Reach Epic Proportions

From Jar Jar Binks to Cad Bane, players are putting forth a plethora of character requests for the potential Star Wars event. Incredibly_Based humorously questioned, ‘What about Jar Jar Binks?’ The community’s wishlist continues to grow, with fans eagerly awaiting Epic Games’ next move.

Will Epic Games heed the community’s calls for iconic Star Wars characters in Fortnite? Only time will tell if players’ dreams will be realized in the virtual battlefield.