Fortnite Skins Wishlist: Built-In Emote Requests Rock the Subreddit!

Fortnite fans on Reddit are buzzing about their dream skins with built-in emotes! Dive into the wish list chaos and see what players are yearning for!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans are craving unique built-in emotes for their favorite skins, sparking a frenzy of wishlist discussions on Reddit. Let’s dive into the chaos and see what players are dreaming about!


  • Players yearn for custom emotes that reflect the essence of their beloved skins.
  • Expressions of disappointment and saltiness emerge when desired emotes are absent.
  • Diverse character references from anime, movies, and comics fuel the wishlist frenzy.

Fans Speak Out: Gojo, Deku, and Raven Team Leader

Fortnite fans expressed a strong desire for emotes tailored to specific skin personalities, with references ranging from Gojo’s iconic blindfold to Deku’s emotional side.

Masterchief’s Missed Opportunity and Green Arrow’s Call-Out

The absence of certain emotes, like a weapon-related one for Masterchief or a ‘You failed this city’ dialogue for Green Arrow, left fans disappointed and yearning for more from the game.

Kirishima’s Hardened Skin and Design Lapses

Frustration mounted over missed opportunities, such as Kirishima’s lacking hardened skin emote, sparking salty reactions among fans who expected more attention to detail.

The Reddit community’s wishlist for Fortnite skins with built-in emotes reflects a vibrant mix of creativity and disappointment. Players are eager to see their favorite characters come to life with personalized expressions, yet the absence of these emotes leaves them questioning the decisions behind the game’s design choices. With diverse references from popular culture, fans showcase their passion for integrating beloved characters into the Fortnite universe.