Fortnite: Should 2-Year Chapters Make a Comeback?

Fortnite players debate the return of 2-year chapters. Will it revive the nostalgic magic?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players on Reddit are buzzing about the idea of bringing back 2-year chapters since Chapter 3. Users reflect on the impact of shorter chapters and share their nostalgia for the longer, more memorable maps of Chapter 1 & 2. The discussion delves into the pros and cons of extended chapters and their influence on player experience.


  • Players reminisce about the deep connection they had with Chapter 1 & 2 maps.
  • Many suggest a year and a half chapter to strike a balance between nostalgia and freshness.
  • Opinions vary on the ideal chapter length, ranging from 1 to 6 seasons per chapter.
  • Some advocate for a separate permanent mode for OG content to satisfy all player preferences.

Reflecting on Longer Chapters

Fortnite enthusiasts express a longing for the days of extended chapters, where players had ample time to immerse themselves in the map and its changes. Many highlight the sentimental value of Chapter 1 & 2, emphasizing the emotional attachment formed over time. User @Blue_MJS proposes a rotating map system to prevent staleness and cater to diverse player preferences.

Debating Chapter Length

While some users like @Tinywampa and @bameliiin advocate for a longer chapter duration, others such as @pawo10 express frustration with recent stretched-out chapters. The community appears divided on the optimal length, with suggestions ranging from a year and a half to six seasons per chapter.

Player Sentiments

Opinions on chapter length reflect a mix of nostalgia, gameplay preference, and desire for innovation. User @Evil_Morty002 succinctly expresses support for longer chapters with a simple ‘Yes,’ underscoring the appeal of a more extended narrative arc for Fortnite.