Fortnite Reddit Users Share Hilarious Clips and Reactions

Discover the real karma in Fortnite through the eyes of Reddit users sharing their hilarious experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players on Reddit are sharing hilarious clips and reactions from their gameplay. Whether it’s falling off bridges or unexpected twists, the karma in Fortnite is real.


  • Players experiencing unexpected karma moments.
  • Hilarious reactions to gameplay twists.


“What are u recording this on?” asked Zenothxx, curious about the recording setup.


The_Traveller__ shared a downsized gif capturing the moment in the gameplay.


Big_Shady complimented the clip, remarking, ‘That’s a great clip.’


Lexicon444 shared a gif as well, adding to the entertainment of the thread.

Ogbugzy19 recounted a personal experience of falling off a bridge in the game, adding a touch of humor to the discussion.

1am1n3vit4ble, Anxious_Objective436, and Square_Ebb_5926 chimed in with quick responses like ‘lol,’ ‘Looool,’ and ‘Lmao,’ adding to the lighthearted atmosphere of the thread.