Fortnite Reddit Debate: Lil Whip or Lil Split?

The Fortnite community debates between Lil Whip and Lil Split soundtracks. Discover their favorite and why.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are torn between the Lil Whip and Lil Split soundtracks, sparking a heated debate in the community.


  • Players split on Lil Whip vs. Lil Split
  • Some prefer neither, opting for other tracks
  • Arguments for both songs being catchy

Lil Whip Fans

Some players swear by Lil Whip, praising its catchy tunes and upbeat vibe. SlickD06 mentions choosing Lil Whip over Split any day, emphasizing personal preference.

Lil Split Supporters

On the flip side, fans of Lil Split commend its unique sound and overall appeal. Mario101010101 notes that Lil Split is better, praising its catchy melody.

Neither Camp

Others in the community opt out of the Lil Whip and Lil Split debate, expressing disdain for both tracks. Nightwalker065 deems both songs as subpar, dismissing their appeal.

The ongoing debate showcases the diverse tastes within the Fortnite community, with players expressing strong opinions on their soundtrack preferences.