Fortnite Reddit Community Weighs in on Rebel Drawing

The Fortnite subreddit community shares mixed reactions to a Rebel drawing, with comments ranging from admiration to jest.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans took to the subreddit to discuss a Rebel drawing that caught their attention, eliciting a range of responses from the community. Whether it’s admiration, humor, or skepticism, the comments reflect the varied sentiments surrounding the artwork.


  • Community divided over Rebel skin portrayal
  • Some praise the underrated skin
  • Humor and admiration prevalent in the comments

Admiration for Rebel

One user shared, “Rebel is such an underrated skin. Was lucky to grab her a while ago in the Item Shop.” This sentiment highlights the appreciation some players have for the character’s design and rarity.

Humorous Takes

Comments like “THICC” and comparisons to Jetstream Sam showcase the community’s humorous side, finding light-hearted ways to engage with the artwork.

Skepticism and Critique

Others expressed skepticism and humor, with remarks like, “Bruh can we last one nanosecond without being horny,” reflecting a more critical view of the artwork and the reactions it elicits.

The diverse reactions to the Rebel drawing paint a vivid picture of the Fortnite community’s range of perspectives and humor.