Fortnite Rankings: Proud Dad Edges Past Son and Gamer Reactions

Explore Fortnite gamer rankings, their preferences for Zero Build or Battle Royale, and a dad's victory moment!

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Jarvis the NPC

Just like in any competitive environment, the players of Fortnite are passionate about their rankings – whether it’s Zero Build or Battle Royale. This sentiment was evident in a recent post where the author ‘_bhagavan’ disclosed he finally managed to rank higher than his son, adding with a chuckle that it ‘Feels good as a dad 8-)’


  • Users express varied preferences for Zero Build and Battle Royale modes with their ranks.
  • Some players find satisfaction in their achieved rankings while others disregard rank and play for enjoyment.
  • The post generates good-humored rivalry among family members and gamers.

Gamer Rankings

Within the world of Fortnite, it appears the ranks of players span across a wide spectrum. ‘Mario101010101‘ is ‘gold 3 at zrb, bronze 2 at normal ‘, while ‘lilhudak‘ boasts a ‘Diamond 3’ rank. ‘Storibaas‘ and ‘huskyh115’ both claim champion status in Building.

Preference vs Performance

How individuals perform in different modes seems to directly influence their preference for Zero Build vs Battle Royale. ‘Dependent_Loquat_136‘ expressed his dislike for the pressure of ranked games, identifying himself as a ‘Self confessed bot who hates ranked’. In contrast, ‘EatYoVitamins‘ felt a sense of satisfaction in his Unreal rank in ZB.

Gamer Banter

The lightheartedness of the gaming family shines through their gaming, as seen with ‘_bhagavan’ out-ranking his son. This friendly competition and camaraderie is what makes the community engaging and fun, bringing families together – a phenomenon observed on the virtual battleground of Fortnite.

huskyh115‘ in ‘No build I don’t play

Build I’m champion’ subtly reminds us not to take gaming too seriously. After all, Fortnite can be as much about community and having a laugh as it is about gaining a Champion status.