Fortnite Pop-in Issue on New-Gen Consoles: Why Players Are Frustrated

Discover why Fortnite players are baffled by the persistent pop-in problem on new-gen consoles and what it means for the gaming experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are expressing their frustration about the ongoing pop-in issues even on new-gen consoles. The recent update seems to have exacerbated the problem, causing dissatisfaction among the player community.


  • Players on various platforms, including PS5 and PC, are facing significant pop-in problems during gameplay.
  • The issue seems to have worsened with recent updates, affecting even the performance on high-end systems.
  • Some speculate that the game’s outdated code and lack of optimization are to blame for the persistent pop-in issues.
  • Despite Fortnite’s popularity and profitability, players question why such technical issues persist, hinting at a lack of urgency in addressing them.

Players Voice Their Frustration

Many players on PS5 have noticed an increase in pop-in occurrences, like the road failing to load properly, even with the advanced hardware capabilities. Some attribute the problem to the game’s outdated code, suggesting that its age may be manifesting in technical issues.

The Impact of Recent Updates

Players have linked the rise in pop-in issues to recent updates, such as the Korra update, which seemingly introduced new bugs rather than fixes. This has led to a decline in the overall gaming experience on various platforms.

Community Speculations

Speculations abound regarding the root cause of the pop-in problems, with some players pointing to the game’s inability to leverage advanced technologies showcased in previous presentations. Others raise concerns about the removal of features like fluid physics in recent updates, impacting gameplay quality.