Fortnite Players Want Cheaper STW Packs – Opinions and Reactions

Fortnite players are voicing concerns over the pricing of STW packs. Dive into the Reddit discussion to see their thoughts!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing with opinions about the pricing of Save the World (STW) packs. The Reddit post is filled with passionate arguments, humorous quips, and serious suggestions. Let’s dig into the community’s sentiments!


  • Players feel STW packs should be cheaper for existing STW owners.
  • Some believe Epic Games is being lazy or greedy with pack pricing.
  • There’s a desire for additional incentives like extra V-Bucks for purchasing packs.
  • The community is split on whether the current pricing is justified or not.
  • Voices from the Community

    Some users, like ‘go0ulish,’ speculate that Epic Games may not be discounting STW packs for existing owners due to monetary reasons rather than goodwill or player appreciation. They hint at Epic’s potential laziness or greed in the matter.

    Others, such as ‘HilpetOnReddit,’ humorously acknowledge their purchase habits while agreeing that it’s illogical for Epic to charge full price for content players already own.

    On the lighter side, ‘EmptyPckt’ adds a humorous touch by stating they’ve been echoing the sentiment for years, showcasing the recurring nature of the topic within the community.

    Overall, the debate over STW pack pricing reflects a mix of frustration, understanding, and even humor within the Fortnite player base. The discussion continues to evolve as players share their views on Reddit and social media platforms.