Fortnite Players Discuss Missing Features for Skins

Fortnite players debate the omission of key styles for popular skins in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing with thoughts about the missing styles for skins like the Obi Wan Kenobi skin. User Ageless4’s post about adding a Jedi master style or a separate skin for Obi Wan has sparked a lively discussion.


  • Players express disappointment over the lack of certain styles for popular skins.
  • Epic Games is criticized for their selective inclusion of Star Wars characters and styles in Fortnite.
  • Speculation arises about the possibility of new styles being added as separate paid skins for profit.

Players Want More Variety

Player HypixL expresses frustration over Epic Games’ inconsistent selection of Star Wars characters, pointing out the absence of key iterations like padawan Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, and classic Boba Fett styles.

Profit-Driven Decisions

User Fettalitta suggests an alternate bonus style and FLcitizen remarks cynically on Epic’s potential strategy to introduce new styles as separate paid skins to increase revenue.

Fan Desires

Shiny_Porygon-Z and SurryCattu mention specific styles they wish to see added, such as a Clone Wars Season 7 style for Maul and a Phantom Menace style.

Fortnite’s player base resonates with these sentiments, craving more comprehensive and authentic representations of their favorite characters and styles in the game world.