Fortnite March Skin: Katt Review – Are Players Purring with Delight?

Discover what Fortnite players really think about the new March skin, Katt. Is it a meowsterpiece or a missed opportunity?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing about the new March skin, Katt. The latest addition to the game has sparked a flurry of opinions and reactions across the community.


  • Players are divided on whether Katt is a worthy addition compared to previous skins like Kit.
  • Some appreciate the variety in the Meowscles family, while others feel the skin is a missed opportunity.
  • Many players are excited about Katt, especially those who missed out on Kit.

Positive Reception

Gamers like GatoT25666 and BreakfastTim appreciate the new skin, highlighting the appeal of the Meowscles family and the uniqueness of Katt’s design.

Negative Feedback

joeMAMAkim criticizes players for focusing on trivial details like bucket hats rather than discussing the skin’s actual merits.

Community Response

Opinions are split, with some players praising Katt as the best Crew skin in a while, while others express disappointment that it is part of a crew pack rather than available for individual purchase.