Fortnite: Lil’ Supercar Emote Takes the Wheel in the Item Shop

What's the buzz around the new Lil' Supercar Emote in Fortnite? Find out why players are revving their engines!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing about the new Lil’ Supercar Emote that recently arrived in the Item Shop. The emote features a miniature supercar that changes colors with each use, adding a touch of style to players’ dance routines.


  • Players are loving the Lil’ Supercar Emote for its dynamic color-changing feature.
  • Some players appreciate the emote’s fun factor, using it to spice up their gameplay experiences.
  • However, there are mixed feelings about the accompanying music, with some finding it distracting.

Colorful Reactions

One player expressed excitement, stating, “I bought it as soon as I saw a supercar. Might gotta be one of my favorite emotes that came out in the Item Shop this season.” This showcases the immediate attraction players feel towards the emote.

Sonic Discord

Another user expressed frustration, suggesting, “Epic needs to add options to turn off music per emote. This is such a cool lil emote that gets absolutely ruined by the garbage disposal music that’s playing.” The disconnect between the emote and its sound effects is a point of contention among players.

Driving in Style

One player shared a heartwarming moment, saying, “Me and my girlfriend spent like half the match driving around. I was doing this emote on top of the car, and didn’t really care how the match turned out after that.” The emote’s ability to enhance social interactions within the game is evident.

Steelbug2k mentioned, “Cool emote, but this music…” expressing a sentiment echoed by others who appreciate the emote but find the music less appealing.

The Lil’ Supercar Emote has sparked a debate among Fortnite players, with its vibrant design and divisive soundtrack creating a mix of excitement and frustration within the community.