Fortnite LFG: Finding New Teammates

Looking for consistent teammates for your Duo or Trio? Check out this article on Fortnite LFG.

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Playing a Fortnite duo or a trio can be great if you’re with people who communicate well and play for the team. This means sharing out ammo and weapons for the benefit of the group, helping out downed teammates, and not being that guy who lonewolfs and does his/her own thing. I mean, seriously, play solo if you’re gonna do that.

Random matchmaking can sometimes be a painful and stressful experience as you wait to be matched with players, hop into the arena, or scrim only to discover that you and the ‘random’ are not compatible and eventually lose the game. We think that strong communication with a lower-skilled team is a lot better than three individually skilled players who don’t know how to play together.

And that is why most players use some LFG (Looking For Group) service, as it makes it easier to find like-minded players whether it’s casual or if you’re looking for competitive players to play with. Some players prefer to play with predetermined groups in Fortnite and would rather play exclusively with people they know that have the right attitude than take their chances in random matchmaking.

So the question is, how do you find a good duo or trio squad?

Download the Z League app, where you can register for tournaments, post your highlights, and find teammates using the LFG feature!

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Z League’s Team Up – an in-app feature where you can find gamers who share similar interests in games, as well as common interests outside of gaming. You’ll be able to see the gamer’s profile, their stats, and recent activities, and if you think you are a match, send a request and then play in minutes! If you’re looking to party up, download the app and give Team Up a try! If you’re looking for more options to help you with your LFG needs then check out our Top 5 LFG apps article and see how Z League compares to other top LFG apps.