Fortnite Gliders: Community Gripes and Suggestions

Fortnite players voice their frustrations over glider animations. Should Epic Games listen to their feedback?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing with discontent over this season’s gliders. One Reddit user, JoeMama57836, started a thread questioning why Epic Games hasn’t put more effort into diversifying the animations of gliders. Specifically, users are lamenting the lack of unique animations for the Cerberus and IO stealth gliders.


  • Players want more diverse glider animations instead of repetitive ones.
  • Some propose a toggle feature for dynamic glider animations.
  • Community desires customization options for gliders.

Cerberus Glider: A Missed Opportunity?

The community expresses disappointment over the lack of innovation in glider designs, particularly the Cerberus glider. The inability to surf on the Cerberus motorcycle glider has left players dissatisfied, feeling that Epic Games missed a chance to create a unique and engaging experience.

Dynamic Glider Animations

Players suggest the implementation of dynamic glider animations that offer varying experiences for different players. This idea aims to enhance the visual appeal of gliders while maintaining balance for competitive play, catering to both casual and hardcore gamers.

Glider Customization

Many users advocate for enhanced customization options for gliders. They propose the introduction of basic parachutes and customization features like emote sprays to allow players to personalize their gliding experience. The absence of such options is seen as a missed opportunity by the community, with potential for increased player engagement.