Fortnite Frustrations: Unoriginally Dressed Rats are Ruining the Game!

Is a lack of skin originality in Fortnite bringing the game down? Dive into this heated discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Fortnite, a specific skin worn by players is stirring up significant controversy. The skin, described as the blandest and most unoriginal option available, is becoming unpalatable for some. One frustrated player, OneOdd1sBoi, even went so far as associating these players as “the biggest rats I’ve seen”.


  • Dissatisfaction is surfacing over players choosing repetitive and unoriginal skins.
  • The community is split between frustration, indifference, and amusement over the situation.
  • There’s an undercurrent discussion about skin originality and its impact on player experience.

The Skin-deep Problem

It seems that in the vast universe of over a thousand skins, players repeatedly choosing the blandest options are irking others. For example, Mr_Phishe highlights that players prefer a plain female superhero over iconic characters like Darth Vader or Goku, suggesting this could be symptomatic of a more profound issue – perhaps relating to players’ identities or preferences.

Player Response

The variety of responses to this situation is a captivating slice of the Fortnite community. Some players, like Extreme-Plantain542, question why anyone should care about skin choices, while others, like LemonCarlito, are able push through the frustration and find humor in the situation, referencing the ‘home brand’ version of The Flash. This diverse opinion spectrum showcases the rich community around Fortnite.

Impact on Gameplay

ToonNex & Storm_373 weigh in on the impact these skins – or ‘rat players’ as they are now affectionately known – have on overall gameplay. ToonNex takes aim at the players who use these skins to hide in corners, suggesting they lack skill and instead resort to underhanded tactics to win, while Storm_373 simply shrugs it off, illustrating the divide in views amongst players.

Ultimately, it’s clear that a seemingly trivial thing like the skin choice can spark a hot debate within Fortnite’s community. While some might shrug it off as insignificant, others see it as an emblematic issue that affects their experience of the game. It’s safe to say that the discussion around ‘rat players’ and their skin choice is far from over – much like the seeming rathole they hide in during games. So, till then, let the game, and the debate, continue to rage on!