Fortnite Fans Speak Up: How to Spruce up the Item Shop?

An in-depth look into the Fortnite community's feedback on enhancing the game's item shop.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Fortnite community has been in considerable discussion regarding the game’s item shop lately, with a strong sentiment calling for improvements echoing around fan forums. The conversation is particularly sparked by a post initiated by user ‘yoman1030’ who sparked dialog on how to make the shop ‘better’.


  • Users request a regularly updating section for skins over a year old.
  • Increasing demand for the return of older skins.
  • Some fans want more diversity in partnerships, hoping for lesser-known IPs.
  • More transparent rotation times and add timers indicating when items will leave the shop.

Rotating Older Skins

The idea of having a section of the shop dedicated to rotating older skins has been a topic of much discussion. User ‘DarkBomberX’, for instance, recommends the company rotate out skins over a year old. Similarly, ‘Shaggy_daldo’ supports the push for bringing back older, absent skins

Diversity of IP Collaborations

The conversation also pointed to the desire for Fortnite to include lesser-known IPs in collaborations, as ‘Incredibly_Based’ comments, urging Fortnite to break away from ‘the same 5 Disney, WWE, Rick and Morty’ collaborations in the shop.

Clearer Rotation Timings

Another practical suggestion comes via ‘KrispyKlix’ who suggests adding timers indicating how long items have left in the shop along with clearer and more transparent item rotations.

Wishlist of Returnees

Lastly, the conversation would be incomplete without fans expressing their wishlists. From ‘CSI-somefuckincity’s’ plea for Naruto’s return to ‘Shaweih’s’ call for more ‘old and new gaming legend skins’, and ‘AKRamirez’s’ call for ‘Master Chief’, it’s clear that this is a community full of passionate gamers who have much to add to the Fortnite universe.

The Fortnite community is alive with discussions and high expectations. The most common thread being the plea for a return of nostalgic skins and a diversified offer in terms of collaborations. The ball is now in the developer’s court to play their move based on the eager fan feedback.